Friday, October 24, 2008


The Renewed Universities Ministry wants to answer, in the spirituality of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal - CCR, to the frequent appeals of the church about the evangelization within university . It is in the condition of specific work and its staff is composed by more then twelve people. Among them are undergraduate, graduate students of several institutions throughout Brazil, and teachers too. Besides, the Ministry counts on a group of collaborating students related to several different fields.
One of the goals of the Ministry is to present a work proposal which will be implemented along the following years heading for the New Millennium. The proposals described here should be worked gradually according to the structural, physical and financial organization.
In the spiritual level, we will be in full communion with the proposals of Rumo ao Novo Milenio of National Confederation of Brazilian Bishops (CNBB) as well as with the Action Plan of the National Offensive of CCR (Catholic Charismatic Renewal) in Brazil.

In beginning of the Third Millennium and invested in power of the Spirit sent by the Lord and under Virgin Mary's protection, Mother of God, our mother as well, we want:
With renewed missionary passion, testifying Jesus Christ in our schools and in our future profession;
Trusting in the possible conciliation of faith and science (reason);
In fraternal communion with the Church, forming new human beings that perform their functions under the Gospel's light;
With the power of Spirit, so that our hearts,
(students, teachers and professionals) join the heart of GOD.
We want to dream and believe that, in communion with the Lord, it is possible to change the reality and build once and for all the Civilization of Love, as sign of God's Kingdom in Brazil and throughout the world.

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